Tag Archives: camera phone

Sunset Walk


My aunt and me hopped in her giant vehicle and went down to the Des Moines Marina to visit my uncle at his boat. My aunt was tired so she parked on a bench with Sammie while my uncle and I walked up the pier.


It was a gorgeous evening with the sun setting on one side of the pier and a sliver of the moon hanging over the other. The camera on my phone does it no justice!




I had an awesome time hanging out with my aunt and uncle! Next time I hope to have pics from the water… My uncle said he’d take me out on his boat before the summer is over. 🙂

B/W Mood

I’m really loving black and white everything right now. I’d thought I’d share some of my camera photos which have been run through the Vignette Demo photo filtering app.

Do you take photos? I’d love to see what you’re doing with your camera! Have a wonderful, stress free Tuesday. 🙂


Winter blahs…

1257711931I’m from Seattle originally but for the past 10 years I’ve lived in So Cal and the Southeast. Sun is now my “thing”. The turn in the weather this last week and a half is giving me SAD I think! So, to perk myself up I’m posting my favorite picture from this summer.

I was walking down Pac Hwy toward my local library and I saw the most amazing thing: a bush of fully blooming hydrangeas with a random rusty mailbox poking through the blooms… but what really made it strange was that the bush and mailbox are situated in front of a vacant lot with a fence around it. No house or building in sight.

I thought it was lovely and I snapped it on my camera phone so I could remember how sweet and random it was when I most needed it. Winter.

That time is upon us. I sometimes wish I could skip all this cold and dark and straight to the sweet spot of summer… but alas, I have no time warping capabilities. I guess I have to live through it and make lots of sweaters!