Tag Archives: sunshine

The View From Here

We had a gloriously beautiful weekend here in Seattle! I was able to get out and enjoy a bit of it. But part of it was spent inside IKEA helping customers… Still, I didn’t have to sacrifice all the sunny days to the big blue box. I’m so grateful that we got that sunny break in the weather, it meant a world of good for my sun loving soul.

I’ll admit that all my pics aren’t postcards worthy but you can at least get the gist of how gorgeous it was.

Walking to work:



I also went down to the Des Moines marina to watch the sunset.




Beautiful, right? I totally enjoyed it! I hope, along with most of Seattle, I’m sure, that this means a really great summer ahead. It would be the nicest homecoming present to have my first summer back be as spectacular as these last few days were.

I hope your neck of the woods is as pleasant as mine has been lately and that all is well in your world! Until next time…